Putting People at the Heart of Business Transformation


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Commencing April 2024


Commencing April 2024 〰️


Build teams with your people, employ customised methodologies, and embark on a transformative journey.

Drive rapid, efficient, and low-risk Business Transformation.

Create value and achieve transformation that fills people with pride.


Take immediate steps towards Transformation

Build teams with your people, bolstered where necessary with external talent, to undertake a Transformative journey.

3-6 months experience a journey from dissonance to clarity; resulting in decisive action.

Rapid, efficient, and low-risk Business Transformation.



Embrace a distinctive approach

Use customised methodologies harnessing the power of Creative Process that is both enjoyable and engaging, while maintaining a culture of candidness, openness, and transparency.

Generate innovative and original solutions to address the most pressing issues faced by your organisation, including:

  • Drive value creation without compromise on unappealing trade-offs.

  • Leverage the skills and experience of your people to their fullest potential.

  • Implement solutions that strike an improved balance among the needs and interests of customers, employees, the organization, society and environment.



Achieve transformative outcomes

Create value and achieve Transformational outcomes at Organisational Scale

Case Study: British Telecom (FTSE100), results achieved across multiple dimensions:

  • Happier Customers

  • Employee Engagement improved

  • Call-centre KPIs improved

  • Costs reduced


Build teams with your people, employ customised methodologies, and embark on a transformative journey.


People first. Organisation second.


Our client says:

“Lateral provides an outside-in methodology to enable businesses to quickly diagnose the priorities of a business from a customer’s point of view, rapidly deploying techniques to prioritise and solve these issues across the entire business and with the engagement of the entire business.”

Trafford Wilson, Managing Director
Customer Service and Transformation
BT Business and Public Sector


